How to Do a Voice Over on Google Slides: A Comprehensive Guide

A person narrating a voice over for a Google Slides presentation.
Learn how to add a voice over to your Google Slides presentation. Prompted by Gregg Brown Via Dall-e.

Google Slides has emerged as a versatile tool for creating engaging presentations, thanks to its user-friendly interface and robust set of features. But have you ever considered adding a voice over to your Google Slides presentation? A voice over can enhance your presentation by providing additional context, making it more engaging, and helping to deliver your message more effectively. Whether you’re an educator creating lessons, a professional delivering a webinar, or a student preparing a report, this comprehensive guide will show you how to do a voice over on Google Slides.

Why Add a Voice Over to Your Google Slides Presentation?

Before we delve into the step-by-step guide, let’s explore why adding a voice over to your Google Slides presentation can be a game-changer.

  • Enhanced Understanding: A voice over can provide additional explanations or insights, supplementing the visual content on the slides. This can help to ensure that complex information is understood more thoroughly.
  • Increased Engagement: Voice overs can make your presentation more interactive and engaging. A well-delivered voice over can help to hold your audience’s attention and keep them engaged with your content.
  • Greater Accessibility: Adding voice overs to your slides can make your content more accessible. For viewers who are visually impaired or prefer audio over reading, a voice over is an essential addition.
  • Better Retention: Combining audio with visuals can result in better retention of information. It engages more senses, thereby improving learning and recall.

Now that we understand the benefits, let’s walk through the steps of how to add a voice over to your Google Slides presentation.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Add Voice Over to Google Slides

While Google Slides does not have a built-in feature to record audio directly, there are workarounds to achieve this. Here, we will use Google Drive and a tool called “Online Voice Recorder”.

Step 1: Record Your Voice Over

First, you’ll need to record the voice over for each slide. A simple, free tool to use is Online Voice Recorder, which allows you to record high-quality audio right from your browser.

  • Go to Online Voice Recorder.
  • Click on the red “Record” button to start recording your voice over.
  • Once you finish recording, click the same button to stop.
  • Click “Save” to download your recording as an .mp3 file.

Step 2: Upload the Audio to Google Drive

Since Google Slides can embed audio from Google Drive, you need to upload your voice over files there.

  • Go to Google Drive and click “+ New” button at the top left corner.
  • Select “File Upload” and locate your saved .mp3 file.
  • After the file is uploaded, right-click on it and select “Share.”
  • Click “Change to anyone with the link” and then “Copy link.”

Step 3: Insert Audio into Google Slides

Now it’s time to insert your voice over into the Google Slides presentation.

  • Open your Google Slides presentation.
  • Click on the slide where you want to insert the voice over.
  • Go to “Insert” > “Audio.”
  • A sidebar will open with your Google Drive contents. Locate your uploaded .mp3 file and click “Select.”

Your voice over is now inserted into the slide. You can adjust settings like volume, start time, and whether the audio should play automatically when the slide is presented. Repeat these steps for each slide you want to add voice over to.


Adding voice over to your Google Slides presentations can greatly enhance your viewers’ experience and understanding. Although Google Slides doesn’t have a built-in feature to add voice overs, the process is still straightforward. By utilizing external tools such as Online Voice Recorder and Google Drive, you can create a dynamic, engaging presentation that caters to a wide range of audiences.

Looking for an amazing AI voice over tool to go with your presentation? Click here.

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